Sunday, November 27, 2005

Is it the food?

Well I just about died a few hours ago. Seriously, it was a very scary life threatening experience. You should be happy I'm still alive right now...or maybe you're not, but anyways. I ate two whole spoon fulls of my grandma's lettuce, raspberry, cranberry, pineapple, mayonnaise, jello and who knows what else concoction. Yes that's right two whole spoon fulls. But that was more than enough for me. I survived this same concoction on thanksgiving by casually handing the plate of whatever it was over to my mom, but today was different. When I tried to make my mom eat the stuff she mumbled to me in French, "Il faut que tu manger. Si tu peux manges un peu je vais finir." or something like that, I don't care much for proper French grammar, but it roughly means: "You have to eat. If you can eat a little, I will finish." So I ate some and it was terrible. I'm still gagging right now. I've decided that if there is one true reason as to why we celebrate Thanksgiving, it's not to give thanks, or gather with families, it's to deliberately try out disgusting food recipes on our relatives who can't complain and bring back the same disgusting foods year after year to torture them.

Now I'll admit, not all food at Thanksgiving is disgusting, especially foods like French silk pie (mmmm), but the small portion of Thanksgiving dinner that isn't so tasty out-does the other foods. It's like that one Mormon add with the delicious looking ice cream cone on it, but when you look closer at it, you see a bug sitting in the middle of the ice cream. Then at the bottom it says something like,"it's all good except for." Well that's the same way I feel about thanksgiving dinner. It's all good except for the stuff that isn't.

And why is it that after thanksgiving dinner you always feel as though you're about to explode? No, it's not because you've been eating too much food for too long like everyone says, it's because of the food you've been eating that shouldn't be considered food. I mean who ever heard of food making you full? Is it really the food that makes you full? Or is it... something else.

Well anyways you're probably sick of my talking about gross food. I guess we all just need to be thankful for the food we have on Thanksgiving, not how it tastes. But nevertheless, I will say that I'm extremely thankful that my grandma didn't bring her purple sour crout to Thanksgiving, but then again she usually brings that closer to around Christmas time so I should probably hold my tongue.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Hark! The Harold Angels Bring!

Okay, it's late and I've forgotten to write my blog so I'll write about the first thing I see which is a newspaper.
Newspaper deliverers are never given enough credit. Could you picture what life would be like if you opened your door every day to find your porch bare save that unwelcome welcome mat that you've had out since spring and need to replace with a Christmas mat soon? (Yes indeed, I'm excited for Christmas!)Horrible! News is a huge and vital part to our society and without it we would be extremely misinformed let alone informed at all. So who is the savior of our society, the angels of the harold? The Deseret in the Deseret news?(Or I guess it's Deseret Morning News now) That's correct the newspaper deliveres. I was once one myself for six years and boy was it an excellent experience. Even though I hated it like nothingelse most of the time, it was a once in a life time opritunity that I would never take back.

Imagine every day, no matter what the weather or special occasion, folding numerous papers with hands bleeding ink, making trips to billions of houses and giving the gift of intelligence. Its a tough job but somebodies got to do it. Most newspaper boys today (I'm going to say boys because its shorter than delivers and less confusing than carriers) drive wimpily around in cars. This is still pretty brutal, but back in my day, my brothers and I had to carry these huge newspaper bag thingys on our shoulders and walk from house to house. It was pretty rough, but at least I can say I got a pretty strong upper body from it, or at least I hope I did. Anyways, whether you're driving, walking, biking or scootering, delivering newspapers is harsh, yet extremly essential.

There's no slaking off when you have a newspaper out. I can rember every Christmas day and thanksgiving, dreading going out in the cold delivering papers and missing out on all the holiday fun. I have an older brother who once tried dumping all his newspapers into the canal that used to run by the side of our yard. Well it wasn't worth it, because they just reprinted more papers and expected him to deliver them, not to mention he got chewed out pretty well by my mom. Even when you try to go on vacation, there's no escaping your paper route. You have to find a dependable substitute and pay them way more than you would have gotten payed for delivering newspapers for a week or however long it was.

You'd probably expect me to say now that being a newspaper carrier is not worth it like I always say in my blogs, but no, newspaper people are amazing. They're like the pit orchestra in a play . :) Barely recognized yet so important.Jk, we're recognized but I hope you see what I'm saying. Newspaper carriers work hard and deserve much more than what they get. I expect all of you when you read this to wake up really early tomorrow and tell your newspaper boy how much you love him. No jk, you don't have to... unless you want to. But I hope you get my point, LONG LIVE THE NEWSPAPER PEOPLES!!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

My Biggest Fear

There's a poster in the band room that says something like " nothing is boring." However, in that same band room there's another poster with my hero Yoda on it saying, "Adventure, heh! Excitement, heh! A jedi craves not these things." So which do I believe? Neither!Everything is boring! That's why a jedi like myself craves adventure and excitement. Seriously, probably the most exciting thing that happened to me this week, was... well I can't think of anything, so my week was obviously not that exciting. Why was it boring? I don't know I guess it was my own fault. I'm too shy and wimpy to ever do anything spontaneous. At the beginning of the school year I told myself I wasn't going to be annoyingly shy this year and actually talk and say hi to people in the halls ect. Well if you haven't noticed already I've completely failed. So I've got to thinking more about being shy lately. Why are people shy and what is shyness anyway? I've come to believe that shyness truly isn't bashfulness or embarrassment, but fear. Yes the fear of people. I can attest to this myself. I'd say my biggest fear in life is people and if I didn't have that fear, I'm sure I wouldn't be shy. So then why does a shy person fear people? Well who wouldn't? People can do such a variety things and be so scary, mean and powerful. There's no escape from them.
" They're everywhere!" It's not worth being a shy person, because the thing you fear the most is all around you. So if you're shy you're going to constantly be scared for the rest of your life. I'll remind you, "fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering" and all this is enough to make anyone bored with their lives. So if you're shy, now is the time not to be! Don't just try not to be shy, be not shy("Do or do not, there is no try")! I'm going to try (again) to take this challenge on myself, so if you start noticing how weird I am more often, you'll know that it is "A Change in Me"(lol pit orchestra). Now if you're still reading this, don't think you're bored because you're too shy, it's because you've put up with reading too many Yoda quotes, oh and one lord of the rings quote and a song from beauty and the beast... I think. Well anyways Happy not school day ( or maybe it is a school day when you're reading this, then in that case you're out of luck).

Sunday, November 06, 2005


The other day I was talking with(or at least she was talking to me) a friend. For some reasons she could not stop talking about herself. She just kept going on and on about how bad of a day she was having, and how tired she was, and oh my gosh she just tripped a second ago and it was embarrassing and how she must have done so bad on her math test etc. Well, I did what was asked of me and nodded every once in a while and tired to seem interested, but did she really think I cared? Now I'll admit, I'm not a very emotional or sympathetic person, especially for a girl, but this, as well as many other experiences of talking with people has made me realize that it's always a losing deal when you talk about yourself. All the good things you say about yourself, no one will believe, and all the bad things you say, people believe too much of. I myself am considered to be a fairly quiet, and un-talkative person. Part of the reason I don't talk so much is from experiences I've had of being annoyed with how much other people ramble on about themselves and being determined not to be like them. Sure maybe sometimes it's good to share a little bit about yourself, but when you share too much , it just turns into a discourteously to others. Talking about yourself can also be dangerous. I have a cousin who, whenever I say one little thing like,"I love chocolate ice cream," she'll immediately respond with a come back like," well so do I, and I this, and this" and suddenly it has turned into a competitive conversation, when all I said was that I liked ice cream. However it is pretty hard not to talk about yourself sometimes. We all know that everyone's favorite topic of conversation is themselves, but if you can refrain from this and just put up with listening to other people, I can guarantee you your life will be better. People will respect you for thinking that you're actually listening to them and you'll seem more humble. The question really isn't who actually likes listening to other people talk about themselves, but who likes being listened to?