Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sacking the Buck

I just had the craving to say that I sacked a buck today. No I did not bag one I sacked one. Did you sack a buck today?

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Why You Shouldn't Be Late For Church

So I confess I was late for church this morning. I'm just an idiot when it comes to sleep and it's not my fault church starts at nine. So I took my own car instead of going with my parents. That was a problem. On the way home my car wouldn't start. So my dad got this cable thingy out and attached my car to his. I had to steer my car in neutral and make sure the cable was tight while he pulled me. It was one of the worst experiences of my life! The trust I had in my dad was tested at the expense of my life!(And I don't trust people that much) On our way out of the parking lot the cable unhooked. The breaks were so insensitive and I felt helpless! Luckily the car didn't roll into anybody. We hooked everything up again and someohow we made it home without the cable unhooking and I survived. But gosh! I like to think that I'm a pretty calm person in most scary situations and don't let things get to me too much, but this I guess was too much! I was shaking like the whole time and I almost died! The bottom line is I should probably trust my dad more. Etither way I'm never going to be late for church again!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

The Hand

The other day I was working at the library(pretty much all of UEA I've been at the library!Cheap!). It's a pretty slow boring job if you think about it. You do the same thing constantly as fast as you can, but everyonce in a while something interesting happens. There's a place in the library called the back room where all the books come. I was there unloading books from the book drop to check them in and suddenly I hear,"Gasp! I see a hand!!... Oh!There it is again! Mommy! I can see a hand down there!" Ofcourse the hand was my hand. I'd stop unloading books and start again and this little kid would freak out every time he saw my hand. It probably sounds really dumb but I get so bored at the library that it totally made my day. One girl who worked at the library used to make hairy gloves and stick them up through the book drop. Can you imagine seeing that? People do lots of weird things with the book drop. Sometimes they send in candy or have conversations with you or their books("bye bye books, bye bye cinderella, bye bye movies,")through the book drop. Today I was in the backroom by myself and someone came up to the outside drop and just shook it for a few seconds. It was kinda scary. Strange stuff happens at the library. One time I found a toothbrush sitting on one of the shelves. Just sitting there... Then sometimes people send in the nastiest books. One time someone sent one in that was covered in onion powder or oil or something. Anyway it smoked and sneezed everyone out so we had to bring in fans. Some people thought it was a terrorist act. You can always tell when someone smokes who burrowed a book. Awk! It's disgusting. Ofcourse only slightly more disgusting than the books from people who wear way too much colone. Then there are the books with teethmarks, and toliet paper, and hair and ... um never mind just yucky books. Plus when it rains everything comes in sticky.Anyway the library's a weird place to work. You never know (or want to know in)what you'll get. But it's fun enough and makes money. Except it pretty much ruined my UEA vacation. But hey I get free movies.