Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Combating Questions

There's this question some girl keeps bothering me with that I don't want to answer, or else I'll try to answer it and answer in the way she doesn't want me to so she keeps bugging me. It's kind of frustrating and annoying. I can't think of anything to do about it, so today I have been seeking out some advice on how to avoid answering questions. From the few people I talked to, here's some stuff we came up with. First you can just try changing the subject . For example:
-Bob: So Joe, you're going to the popsicle stand with me tonight right?
-Joe(who has no intention of going to the popsicle stand): Wow look at that pin-stripped suit over there! Don't you just love pin-stripped suits Bob?
Various ways of changing the subject may include, commenting on the weather, suddenly noticing something "different" in your surroundings, or just starting up a crazy new conversation on any random thing, which sometimes takes focus. Another way to combat questions is to re-direct the question at the questioner. We all know that everyone's favorite topic of conversation is themselves. The movie Catch Me If You Can has many good examples of using this tactic effectively (Ps it would be a perfect movie without Leonardo De Caprio. I can't stand any of the movies he's in! Terrible acting, terrible looks and terribly annoying! Sorry I sound mean, but it's just that he's probably my least favorite actor ever and I had to say something). People can become so anxious to talk about themselves that they'll forget what they were asking you.
Excessive sneezing and coughing or laughing can often throw off questions and in dire circumstances running away is an option. Oh and you can always fall back on your constitutional rights. Anyways there are many more ways of avoiding conversations that I won't get into right now(Lol I'm avoiding a conversation!), but altogether the best way I've found to avoiding questions is to assume the other person is a communist(they probably are) . This way you won't feel obligated in any way to talk to them or answer their questions. It works . I'm serious. Well yep so why we should avoid conversations, I never elaborated on, but the best ways to avoid them are now clearer to you I hope

Friday, March 17, 2006

Sister Susy Sitting on a Sistle

My two nieces and nephew have been visting this week. On Monday their parents came and left them here while they went on some honey moon thing or something. It's been pretty exciting. The two girls are really into being doctors, so my poor old dog has had to tolerate being their favorite patient. My nephew is at the stage where if you say,"I'll time you," he'll do anything. Today we made play-dough and "wrote letters" to my brother in the MTC. Anyways it's been fun. However, I think it's a really good thing I'm the youngest in my family. I probably wouldn't survive too well with little siblings. I'm so self-indulgent, I just wouldn't last. I even find myself now with the grand kids, sneaking around the house trying to hide candy or selfishly putting chocolate syrup into my milk when I think no one's looking. I'd be so stuck on myself like I am now that I'd never have any time for little brothers or sisters and I'd never be able to share my stuff. I also don't think I have the mental capability for younger siblings .My closest brother and I have noticed that we have a hard time focusing when little babies cry because we never grew up with crying babies. I look at my little nephew with his two younger sisters, and he can put up with anything. It's amazing! Being an older sibiling also requires a little responsibility which I have absolutely nothing of. I would make a horrible big sister. But then again, sometimes I wish I had a little brother or something. When you're the youngest you don't have any sidekicks or people to boss around, tease, or train. Then when everyone leaves you get stuck at home, all lonely with your parents. It would be so nice if I could always have someone to fall back on and brush my parents off onto. Not to mention for once I'd be able to beat someone in one of those,"look what I can do arguments." ... Um...Yeah well anyways I can't really think of any conclusions right now because I'm kind of undecided as to whether I'd like being and older or younger sister better, so I'll just say being the youngest is the best because you can almost always get what you want...if you know what you want that is.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

The Forgotten Tree

I look over to the left of this computer I'm typing on and see a medium sized, chunky old Christmas tree that can't even stand up by itself. Suddenly a thought strikes me. What in the world is that Christmas tree doing still up in March?! Who in their right mind leaves Christmas decorations out that long?! What's this world coming too?! But now, after deeper contemplation I've changed my mind. WHY NOT?! Why am I feeling so idiotic because my family has neglected to take down one little piece of Christmas cheer? Why do I laugh when people still have their Christmas lights out? Why do we even put our Christmas stuff away in the first place?(Why am I writing this blog?!!!) Christmas is so wonderful. Everyone's happy and all smells nice. Lights flash and make you feel warm in the cold weather. Nobody is complaining about school, instead they're singing jolly Christmas carols. Food is everywhere, but you're never hungry because you're always full of it. Little kids are pelting each other with snowballs. Life can't get any better. So if Christmas is so great, what's wrong with keeping a reminder of it up longer. Why not just have those reminders up all year? What is the world coming to? Now I look over at the crummy old Christmas tree next to the computer and think," what a gorgeous Christmas tree. You go tree! Show the world how elegant and beautiful you are! Even if it is March."

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Eating Your Vegetables

Well I can't think of anything to write about, but I'm determined to write this blog. So maybe I'll write about determination :) What is determination? Determination is what brings us together to day. Ahh! Gosh! I can't remember the rest and I've only seen that movie once so sorry. Anyway so determination is pretty important. Determination is writing a blog every week for some unknown reason(!). Determination is carrying something out to it's greatest extent. Determination is eating the smelly purple sour crout that may or may not have hair or bugs in it. Determination is getting out of bed in the morning. Determination is standing up for something you believe in. Determination is going against the odds. Determination is fighting on no matter what. Determination is my life time goal. (?)Determination is domination. Determination is huge. Without it there would be no use in putting any effort in all we do. Everyone would just sit back and watch everyone else sitting back and watching. Determination can change everything. You never know what could have happen if you were more determined that time you gave up. Today at Sunday dinner I was determined to eat my vegetables. If I wasn't determined to eat them, I don't think they ever would have been eaten. (?)You know the reason I think the MV girls basketball team lost in the State Championship a while ago wasn't just because Michelle Harrison fouled out early because of bad calls,(!) but because the other team was more determined to win. Determination makes a difference. Determination allows us to "reach the unreachable star," and, "dream the impossible dream." I firmly believe that if we are determined in every aspect of our lives, we can accomplish the inconceivable.