Sunday, January 29, 2006

Thoughts on a pretty boring life I guess (read at your own risk)

In my last blog I told you that this week I'd write about being alone with my parents now that my closest brother has left for the MTC. A couple weeks ago I thought I was probably going to die, but well...I guess I haven't yet. My extended family only left yesterday so maybe the reality of being alone just hasn't quite kicked in. So I guess today I'll analyze why I haven't started feeling completely alone after my brother has left on his mission.

I've had five brothers before this one leave on missions, and none of them ever really phased me (ofcourse they were all at least seven or more years older than me, not just two). Possibly I don't feel too abandonded because I'm so used to having brothers leave on missions.

Also like I said before, my extended family only left yesterday so maybe I just haven't noticed that I'm by myself yet.

Now that my brother is gone, I get all of his stuff. His car, his phone, his palm pilot, his hamster etc. Maybe all of his stuff has replaced him.

Maybe I'm too unemotional to care that my brother has left me with my parents. Probably not, but there could be some evidence to prove this though. At the MTC when they said," missionaries this way, families that way," my other brother and I were kind of chuckling because our family was the only family not crying. My family is extremly unemotional and I'm part of it.

I think the true reason I'm not feeling too much withdrawl is that I just haven't realized he's gone yet. I'll hear the door close downstairs or something and I'll still think,"oh Greg's home," or I'll see something dumb happen at school and I'll think, "Greg will get a kick out of this." Even at this very moment I'm subconsciously waiting for him to come home from his single's ward so I can tell him about this stupid thing I did at church today. Well anyways so that's why I'm not feeling too alone yet. But probably it'll hit me sometime next week that I don't have anyone to play football with or to rub my parents off onto. So don't be surprised if I'm suddenly really insensitive and mean or something next week. jk

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Toothpaste Predictions

Well, I'm pretty much depressed because my brother Greg is leaving on a mission in three days and I'm going to be stuck home alone with my parents for two years. However you've probably already heard me complaining about this way too much so to put you in a better mood I'll try to write about somethingelse and give you a depressing report on what happened after he has left next week. Now ofcourse I'm probably going to give you a wonderful personal experience and then analyze it .

So here goes... maybe... um...Oh! Okay so the other day I had a really weird dream. I hardly ever have dreams, and I usually can't rember them, but this one was just weird. So first I was just at Mountain View, walking down the fine arts hall to some after school class or something, thinking how busy my life is and how dumb it is that I keep having to stay after (which is weird for me to be thinking because my life is actually pretty dull at times). So I get to my class and it's in the band room and Mr. Bowman is teaching. It was supposed to be some kind of choir class, which is weird becuase I don't sing. We were practicing singing intervals except nothing was happening because there were so many distractions .Suddenly the chamber choir or something is sitting behind me and they'd keep showing off singing the same interval over and over again. It was really annoying and I remember thinking,"Gosh what are you doing?! We're in the middle of a class." Then some girl starts playing the piano out of nowhere and I was thinking, "Ya konw if you're gonna play the piano, it had better sound good, and what are you doing? Show some respect!" Then suddenly the band room evolves into the Provo library and we're all on the second floor with these two big windows on either side of the classroom. Everyone rushes over to the windows and we see these two black guys with gold hair, dressed identically and both walking white dogs. Then we all realize," Oh no! They're going to rob the school and fake out the security cameras." So Mr. Bowman yells," hold the doors!" which doesn't make sense because the bad guys, or whatever they were had already come inside and were on the floor underneath us. So then I start thinking,"Ya know somebody mayve aought to call the police." So I run outside (somehow from the second floor ) and run over to the Mountain View seminary buliding(from the Provo Library). I get to the door and then I realize, school ended hours ago and doors are probably locked! But I try them anyways and amzingly they were left open and I was thinking, "Wow this is just ment to be!" So I run through the seminary building and finally find a phone which was in sombodie's kitchen(it's a really familiar kitchen and it's really bugging because I can't figure out who's kitchen it is!). I'm about to pick up the phone and call 911 but then I think,"Wait! I need to brush my teeth first!" So I get some toothpaste and just rub it all over my mouth with my fingers. Then I called 911 , but I couldn't understand the operator and I wasn't sure what kind of situation I was in so I hung up, but then I realized that now the 911 people would come to the seminary building instead of Mountain View. So I picked up the phone to try again but then a doorbell rings from somewhere and so ofcourse I think, "I need to brush my teeth!" So I run upstairs (suddenly I'm at my house) to brush my teeth, but someone had left the cap off the toothpaste and there was toothpaste all over the place! So I ran back downstairs to answer the door with toothpaste all over my shirt and face. I open the door and there's some guy standing there smiling, acting like he's a friend of the family or something, but I don't recognize him . So ofcourse I smile too thinking, "Oh geeze! I'm being such a nice person!" Then the guy steps into my house and hands me this brown glove, and I'm just like," Um, what are you doing?"and he says, "Oh this is a decoy, I'm just kidnapping you" and then he tries to grab me and I'm like, "Not if I can help it!" and I start fighting him and then my dream ended.

Okay. Sorry if you had to read all but here's my analysis. So I guess think that dreams can predict the future. I was working at the library (Provo Library almost) the other day after I had had this dream and as I was reshelving some books, I found this toothbrush just sitting there on one of the shelves. See there's some evidence for you. The toothpaste in my dream was telling me something. Also I usually have to play piano for my ward choir on Sundays, but this sunday I didn't have to (singing intervals with the chamber choir). However the parts in my dream with the robber guys and the kidnapper haven't quite come to pass yet. But since dreams do predict the future (I showed you some evidence) don't be surprised if I show up on the news for being kidnapped some time soon.
Ps I would usually spell check this but for some reason the button isn't working and I don't want to take time to reread this all over again so forgive my grammer errors and mispellings.

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Well, I pretty much forgot to write this blog so I think I'll write it on forgetfulness. So then here's my lovely analytical question for you. Why are we forgetful? (Pretty profound huh?)

Maybe we're too busy to keep up with ourselves. We get so caught up in all of our activities that some things just get overlooked.

It could also be our personalities. I have a friend for example who always forgets to write her name on school assignments. It's just how she is. Whenever there's a paper with no name on it, you can almost automatically assume it's hers. Some people are extremely forgetful, others just aren't.

Yes, being busy and having a careless personality are definite factors in being forgetful, but we all know who's truly responsible for forgetfulness. That's right, you guessed it, the communist. Who else would tell that you it's okay to be too busy to ever remember anything, it's okay to forget your name on your homework, and it's okay to forget to write your blogs? (It's obviously not okay, seeing that it is 1:30am as I'm writing this blog and my writing, um, well you could hardly call it writing, and I can't even remember how to properly use parenthesis or spell parenthesis for that matter) The communist are slowly trying to make us forget ourselves and be corrupted into thinking only of them. This must not happen! Capitalist unite! Destroy those cunning pigs who are taking away our lives and our ability to remember to write blogs! (Wow, that sounded pretty lame.) Well yeah anyways it's the communist's fault that we forget, so since there's so many of them around I guess it's pretty much inevitable that we are going to forget stuff... so um, don't you forget it!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

It's a Terrible Life

Well now that the holidays are pretty much over I guess it's time for me to complain about them :D . Actually there's not that much to complain about, being out of school and all, so if you haven't guessed this blog hasn't been very well thought out so don't read this if you're already feeling depressed or get offended easily. So here goes. With all the wonderful Holiday cheer around, presents, food, and family etc. ,you'd think that everyone would be having a "Wonderful Life." Well I'm not if that movie is playing all the time. Sure It's a Wonderful Life has great intentions and was a good movie about the first eight times, but after the two-hundred and twenty-second time you've seen it, it starts to get a little old. For some reason everyone just has to see this old movie every Christmas year after year. It's ridiculous! I'm sick of it! Sure Jimmy Stewart is an amazing actor and all, but how many times do I have to watch him almost commit suicide and then change his mind and run around yelling "Merry Christmas!"? I used to love It's a Wonderful life, but now I just hate it after seeing it so many times. I would much rather watch It's a Beautiful Life or listen to the song " It's a Beautiful Life" than put up with seeing It's a Wonderful Life again, because obviously watching it doesn't make my life wonderful after seeing it one thousand times before. Another thing I don't like about it, besides its repetitive-ness, is the way Jimmy Stewart breathes (by the way this is the only complaint I'll ever make about Jimmy Stewart because he's actually one of my favorite actors). "Mary (WHEEZE, GASP, MICROPHONE MESSES UP, GASP , OBNOXIOUS BREATH) Oh Mary."(MORE WHEEZES AND ANNOYINGLY LOUD BREATHING) I just can't stand how loud he breathes! Sure I guess maybe he's trying to get into his character and be dramatic and all, but ugh! It's SSOOO ANOYING! Well there! I've explained why I hate It's a Wonderful Life. Now I'll probably get a bunch of hate mail from all of you because most everyone likes It's a Wonderful Life but me. Hey maybe that's another reason I don't like that movie is because everyone else does. But no, I think I'd probably still hate it anyways after seeing it so many times and listening to Jimmy Stewart breath. Well now you've heard my complaints. I'm actually really not that against It's a Wonderful Life, I'm just dead tired of seeing it over and over again and I don't have anything else to write about. Sorry if I depressed you.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

My Encounter with some Communists at the Library

Since it's New Years today and all, I was planning to write about the New Year and last years failures ect., but yesterday I had a traumatic, historic, intense, amazing, insane, disastrous, special and explosive experience. Actually it really wasn't that huge at all, but it got me speculating about a lot of stuff so here it goes... I hope...I'm a little low on sleep so read this at your own risk.
Yesterday I was working at the Orem library. One of the main things I do at the library is unload the book drops and check in books. Now it was New Year's Eve ofcourse so it was a pretty slow day, infact it was so slow even, that the girl who usually works with me in the "back room"(the place where the book drops lead to) left me alone and went out to shelve books. So there I was, pacing around, just waiting for someone to give me a single book to check in or just anything to do because I was dying of the slowness of the dragging day. Well, be careful what you wish for, because that's when the communists start appearing. Suddenly, out of the middle of the rainy street, a small silver car came up to the book drop(ps it's terrible when it's raining outside, because all of the books come in cold and sticky and it's disgusting!). Then a rather large older lady got out of the car with a maybe nine to eleven year old boy. They started unloading what I thought would be a few books from their car. "Oh good," I thought looking at the empty book drop, "something to do." But the problem was, they had a little more than a few books. First they unloaded the entire back seat of the car. By then the book drop was already overflowing and I was rushing back and forth trying to move books so there'd be more room in the overloaded book drop. The books just wouldn't stop coming! I was just baffled that anyone in the world could check out so many books for themselves and return them all in at the same time. After what seemed like years of futily attempting to clear just inches of space in the book drop, the books seem to stop for a little. I raised my hands in the air and almost shouted. But then, I noticed that I hadn't heard their car drive away. I jumped to get a better view out the window of the car and the obviously insane (at least to me they were) people. To my dismay they were only opening the back of their trunk to reveal what appeared to be yet another eight year supply of books! By now they were literally stuffing and forcing the books through the completely overflowed book drop and I was desperately trying to save all the books that were helplessly being crushed and jammed in the exploding book drop to no avail (wow that was a long sentence) . Finally, just as I thought the end was near, they stopped and drove away. I gave a sigh of relief and stepped back to gaze at the endless supply of books that were now my job to check in. What was once a slow day, had now turned into a frivolous torture. It was just ridiculous! How could anyone possibly have that many books?! The book drop and entire back room was completely empty until one tiny car just happened to drive up and unload more than 90 truck fulls of books! I just couldn't believe it!
Well, now you've heard my experience, so here's my analysis I guess. Considering that it was the last day of the year, it is quite possible that these people have some kind of ritual of going to the library and unloading their whole year supply of over due library books to start a fresh record at the library for the New Year. Another possibility could be that they knew I was in the back room by myself and so they gathered all the library books together from everyone they knew and shoved them all into the book drop at once because they have some sort of prejudice against library pages like myself. All of these possibilities are possibilities I guess, but the only conclusion that I can peacefully rest my case on is that these ridiculous people were communist. For years they've been chasing me around trying to make me one of them. They thought that my working at the library promoted capitalist propaganda so they were trying to sabotage it. Obviously they failed, because ofcourse I'm just an amazing person, but they did make me realize that there is never a slow day at the Orem Public Library.
Ps I work on Saturdays. Come visit me sometime and I can introduce you to some communist. ;)