I'm Hungry
I'm hungry. My church started at one o'clock today(for the first time in my life) and it was fast Sunday. I almost died. Why did I almost die? What's the deal with food? Sometimes eating food feels great and sometimes it's painful. Sometimes we just can't stop eating and other times we don't eat a thing. I'm probably the kind of person who likes to snack all the time. That's right, I'm that annoying girl in the back of a dead silent room, feudally trying to open a bag of chips without anyone noticing. And I even carry around a back up supply of food just in case. But then again sometimes I forget to eat. It's kind of weird. A couple days ago I had to go to school early so I didn't have time for breakfast. I was in the middle of my second class(which was French where you can't eat) and realized,"Wait a minute I haven't eaten yet!" So I thought,"Oh well, I'll eat between classes." But then I forgot to eat between classes and after that I had a meeting at lunch and forgot to eat again. I got home from school and went straight to practicing the piano cuz I had piano lessons that day. Then I went to my lesson and came back excited to practice my new music. Anyway it went on and on like that. Finally I realized it was 6:30 at night and I still hadn't eaten a thing all day. I felt fine. I wasn't really hungry, but I thought I probably should eat something to satisfy my mom, so I finally did. But then why do I have such a hard time with fast Sundays? Sometimes I almost faint on fast Sundays. Yet, I die when I eat out too much. I wonder what it is? Some people see eating just as a necessity. Others do it for pure joy. Which one am I?Which one are you? Well I don't care anymore!All I know is that it's fast Sunday and I'm hungry! But ya know, I met this lady in France who was a baptist or something and she would fast for weeks at a time. When we asked her how she did it she simply said,"Faith." Maybe I just need more faith to survive fast Sundays.
You think one is bad, my church started at two. It didn't end til five, and of course we had to get out of Young Women ten minutes late, and to top it off I had to stay for another thirty-five minutes cleaning the church. I HATE TWO O'CLOCK CHURCH! Anyways, I think fasting is so hard because we can't eat. Normally skipping a meal is no big deal beause we can always have a snack later if we want, but knowing that we can't makes us feel hungrier. Not only that but you are constantly reminded of the fact that you are fasting because people talk about fasting, how hungry they are, or you hear their stomach growling.
Do you think it makes it easier or harder to smell Sunday dinner cooking when you are fasting? It is cruel and unusual punnishment, in my opinion. But then again, I really do feel refreshed at the end of my fast. You know, cleansed.
PS How was your day?
PPS I've forgotten my username and password, so I can't log on or write on my blog . . . maybe I should make a whole new blog . . . I'll call it . . . 105 WAYS TO EAT CHOCOLATE. Yes. :)
Kate, you're amazing! Look, I'm finally commenting on your blog. Sorry I'm so bad at that, but thanks for always commenting on mine- it brightens my day. Anyways, I love to snack when I eat, too. Food is so good that I think I just might die if I didn't have it. Well, I hope you have a brillant day because you Definately deserve it!
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