Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Couple old pics from the Mission

Here's a couple mission pictures. My camera got stolen two weeks before I left so my pictures are limited and don't do anything justice. One of these is me my trainer and my 1st child. Another is squid. Another is one of my piano students Kyle, another is a baby I got to name after my trainer and I and another is me with my child and adopted children at a wild monkey park we went to on a Pday and another is the Alao family: an inactive family (that named their dog after me:)) that we were very much led by the spirit to find. Good story.... Okay Fine I'll tell it: So one day when I was still a new missionary with my trainer(ps she's still very much my idol), we were getting punted like none other. We'd gone to all our scheduled appointments and back ups but there was nothing. Suddenly my trainer turns to me, looks at me in the eyes and says,"we need to pray." Just as she said that, this sudden surge of warmth burst through me like "Yeah! We totally need to pray!" So we found this little old abandoned shack thinger and got down on our knees and prayed asking to know where we should go and what to do. After the prayer my trainer looks at me and asks where we should go. I was shocked! I had no idea... I was just a newbie! So after thinking for a while my trainer decided to go visit a family out in the boonies, but no one was home. That ended our morning so we went back for lunch and had a good afternoon. The next day the exact same thing happened in the same area. Just like before we prayed in the prayer shack. This time when we didn't know where we should go we decided to just walk. As we walked we focused hard. Suddenly I was like, "let's go over here."(to some area neither of us had ever been before). There we found a seemingly dead end road, but I thought we should keep going. Then we ran into a little family out doing laundry. They were smiling at us, so I said to my trainer, "...they look nice...?" and she said, "Alright! We're talking to them!" So we started talking to them. Come to find out they were members! They'd been forgotten by the ward for years and had been waiting for missionaries to come visit and reactivate them! Crazy how things work like that. They had a cool son named Fidel you can see in the picture with down-syndrome. He's one of my heroes. Gosh I miss them... A LOT!! But life goes on. Anyway the moral of the story is you don't see miracles till after the trial of your faith. We could've given up the second time we got punted, but we continued to exercise our faith and after it was tested there was a miracle. ... I have lots more mission stories like this, but I'm not sure my blog is an appropriate place for them. Is it?

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