Sunday, October 30, 2005

Peter Pan was right about growing up

I once talked about how being the youngest of a big family is the best. I take that back, it isn't the best... it's the worst! Why? Well just the other day, my older brother Greg recived his mission call to the Vantura (spelling?) California spanish speaking mission (lol after 5 years of French) and just then when he received his call it hit me: what in the world am I supposed to do for two years while being cooped up in my house with my parents? Who's going to play football with me? Who's going to tell me what to do with my life? Who's going to make me almost good at tennis? Who's going to mow the lawn? The answer? Me! Being the youngest is great when the rest of your family is there, but when they leave, you're screwed. You know there's a reason I'm writing this blog right now. So I can practice speech writing for when I have to speak at all of my brother's and sister's funerals! However, I should also probably be practicing my hospitality and old people friendliness because I'm going to be the spry younger person who will have to take care of all the dying old people in my family. Yes being the youngest is great when you're young, but you're not young forever.

1 comment:

Noelle said...

Yeah, but being oldest isn't the best either